Not All Water is the Same
About 97% of the Earth’s water is undrinkable and 70% of the human body is made up of water. A living tree consists of 75% water. The average person can live one month without food, but only one week without water. For something that is so significant in our daily lives, it has many different components.
Not all water is the same. For instance, how many of you have heard the terms hard water and soft water? More importantly, do you know the difference between the two? Let’s dive into our learning pool and take a closer look at them both and see why it is important to use a quality water softener system. “Marco!”
What is Hard Water?
Hard water has a high concentration of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. This is because its journey in the earth is in contact with certain minerals, rocks and soils. Since it is rich in minerals it binds together with soap and rinses away efficiently from your body.
However, this can cause buildup around your bathtub, which can leave a line of film and soap scum. If you have ever spent hours trying to clean that yellowish ring around your tub you know firsthand the effects of hard water. Hard water is also to blame for grimy looking clothes and dishes that have leftover residue. That milky look to your drinking glasses that looks so disgusting your mother has to bring out the ‘good glasses’ when company comes so they don’t think her glasses are dirty.
These minerals can be hard on your plumbing and take a toll on household appliances, all equaling to the use of more energy creating more expense to you. In most instances, people prefer drinking hard water because of its taste and the fact it contains natural minerals. However, that doesn’t hold true for water that becomes too hard as it tastes metallic in nature.
What is Soft Water?
Soft water is water that has had the minerals removed; which can occur or be produced by water treatment devices that are designed to remove the hard elements. When switching to soft water many people feel like they haven’t gotten all the soap off them after taking a shower. However, this is your body’s natural oils that help keep your skin moisturized.
People may also notice a difference in taste when they drink soft water because most of the minerals have been removed. But the benefits of soft water are a longer lifespan for home appliances, less corrosion and wear on your home’s plumbing, in addition to needing less cleaning detergent to get the job done. Soft water means savings to you.
When looking at the facts, it is important to know that in the long run hard water can be quite pricey and the mineral buildup can cause damage to your pipes, dishwashers, laundry machines and refrigerators. With a water softener in place, you can prevent all of this from happening. If you happen to have hard water, there is a way to find a happy medium. We recommend you soften all your household water except for the kitchen and the outside hose spigots. “Polo!”
Mast Water Technology has you covered! Their water experts will show you how you can improve your hard water problems with your own water softener that in the long run, will help protect your home from long-term damage and expense. Your home is the largest investment you’ll probably make, taking care of it will stop your hard earned money from being poured down the drain.